Titel untertag.de

Allgemeines Historisches Berg-Areale Bergbaubilder Technisches
Geologie Mineralien Gesteine Angebote Rechtliches

A warm "Glück Auf!" To the visitors of our website and all friends of the historical mining, geology and mineralogy!

The content of these pages is mainly concerned with the historical ore and alum mining in the area of the former Lobenstein-Hirschberg mining district. The aim is to prepare a largely still unknown, but very interesting part of German local history in a generally understandable way and thereby promote the bond with our German homeland and its history. Likewise, some interesting historical mining areas in other regions are to be touched upon. With some probability, the content of these pages can supplement the information already available to our interested parties on this topic in a suitable way.

The pages of Untertag.de are still under construction and are constantly changing. So please always be patient.

And now we hope you enjoy studying this website!

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Der Inhalt der Seiten von untertag.de ist urheberrechtlich geschützt! Alle Rechte vorbehalten. © Carsten A. Dunkel, Bad Lobenstein / Thüringen, 2021.